Giant Cell Tumour of bone is mostly a benign tumour that affects the bone. Giant Cell Tumour or GCT is mostly fould in the long bones like lower end of knee joint or upper end of shin bone called tibia. It can occur in other bones as well like hip, wrist, shoulder and lower back but occurence in these areas are less likely. In India it is noted that Giant Cell Tumour cases mostly happen in young adults mostly in the age bracket of 20 to 30 years. The most common problem with Giant Cell Tumour is that it damages the bone where it has originated as well as the sorrounding bones. The best part about GCT is that it is mostly benign that is non cancerous. Following are the symptoms that Giant Cell Tumour presents with:
Pain in Bone
Swelling in the region
Weak bone leading to fracture
Pain with activity which increases on exertion
Reduction in intensity of pain when at rest.
The best way to diagnose Giant Cell tumour in India is to visit a good and experienced bone cancer surgeon. The bone cancer specialist would examine the affected joint and advise the necessary investigations. The primary investigations for the diagnosis of Giant Cell Tumour in India are X-ray, CT Scan or MRI along with some blood tests. However, the best way to diagnose the Giant Cell Tumour by most of the top bone cancer surgeons in India is either a CT Scan or a MRI.
Giant Cell Tumour if left untreated can lead to damage of the bone and excruciating pain. Surgery for the removal of tumour is the best treatment for the Giant Cell Tumour in India. Surgery is done to remove the tumour and then fix the bone with either bone graft or with the help of nail and plate.
In some cases where the location of the tumour is such that it is difficult to approach then the bone cancer specialists in India may advise radiation followed by surgery.
Dr Jagandeep Singh Virk is of the finest and most competent bone cancer surgeon in India for the treatment and surgery of Giant Cell Tumour.
The cost of investigations for Giant Cell Tumour is in the range of USD 300-500 in India while the cost of surgery in India would be in the range of USD 5000-6500. In case radiation is also required then the cost may further go up depending upon the number of cycles required by the patient.
The hospital stay for Giant Cell Tumour surgery n India would be 3-5 days and post discharge stay in India would be about 2 weeks. So you should ideally plan a trip for about 3-4 weeks to India for getting the complete treatment. You can send your reports by email or whatsapp to get an estimate about the cost of the treatment before arriving in India.
The boarding and lodging cost for the patient and one attendant in a decent airconditioned guest house would be around USD 40-60 per day. For query please whatsapp at +91-9958222443 or email to
Bone Tumour Surgery is best done by orthopaedic cancer or bone cancer surgeon in India. There are very few orthoapedic cancer or bone cancer surgeons in India. Dr Jagandeep Singh Virk is one of the best and extensively trained orthopaedic cancer or bone cancer surgeon available at Mohali, Punjab. Bone tumours are not very common but they can be very painful as they cause weakening of bones. Hence they need to be operated at the earliest.
Once you have been diagnosed with the bone tumour whether cancerous or benign you need to see a bone cancer or orthopaedic cancer specialist as soon as possible. Tumour can weaken the bones where they have grown and lead to fractures. Hence every patient who has been diagnosed with bone tumour needs to see the surgeon and get operated at th earliest.
During recovery, it is very important to keep your fingers moving to keep them from getting stiff. Your bone cancer surgeon will have you start walking at the right time for your fracture. Recovery time varies and depends on a lot of factors. It is not unusual for recovery to take months. Even then, some patients may have stiffness or aching. You will gradually start walking with support followed by walker then gradually to stick and then independently.