A Partial Knee Replacement is a surgical procedure whereby only the most damaged areas of cartilage from the knee joint is replaced with artificial material and healthy parts of the joint are left for continued use. In partial knee replacement the implant is placed between the end of the thigh bone and the top of the shin bone. Partial knee replacement can also replace the part of the joint under the kneecap known as patellofemoral replacement.
Healthcare in India is already very low as compare to western counteries. The cost of Unilateral Partial knee Replacement in India is approx 5500 - 6500 USD. Different Hospitals in India have different prices for Knee replacement surgery depending upon the facilities given. If the surgery is done by our best surgeons in state of art operation theatres then the cost of Unilateral Knee Repacement Surgery is 5500 USD.
For any Joint Surgery, post surgery rehab is extremely important. The surgeon might have done a perfect job but if proper physiotherapy is not done after the surgery then the results would not be as good. We give special emphasis on post surgery rehabilitation. Our team of physiotherapists start working with you while you are admitted at the hospital and continue to provide the rehab services once you are discharged from the hospital and move to the hotel or the guest house.
For knee Replacement Surgery the Best Specialists include Dr Subhash Jangid at Fortis, Dr Anubhav and Dr Mukesh Jain at Vardhman Hospital, Dr Ashok Rajgopal at Medanta, Dr SKS Marya at Max. Dr Subhash Jangid and Dr Anubhav Jain are two surgeons who are also doing Robotic Knee Replacement Surgery which is done at very few hospitals in the world. For Knee Replacement Surgery in northern region of India Dr Anubhav Jain or Dr Subhash Jangid would be the best choice as they use computer navigation technique for alignment and placement of the knee implants.
Patients with damaged knee joint either due to Trauma, Osteoarthritis or any other cause should consider knee replacement to get rid of the pain and diminishing daily function in order to maintain the quality of life . In short it could be said that Total Knee Replacement Surgery is one of the best solutions for osteoarthritis.
These days Total Knee Replacement in India is preferred by lot of overseas patient because of cost as well as shorter hospitalization and quick recovery. Patient is generally made to walk next day after the knee replacement surgery in India.
Today most of the patient starts walking from the next day of the surgery with the walker. As per the protocol a session of physiotherapy twice a day for about 4-5 days before the surgery is done wth an aim to build the muscle strength for faster recovery and better results.
After the knee replacement surgery the physiotherapy regime starts in 48 hrs. The therapist will help the patient in walking and reinstating the movement of the knee. Eventually, patients will learn to walk up and down stairs and grades. A number of home exercises are given to strengthen thigh and calf muscles. Rehabtrain is the best center in gurgaon for recovery after surgery.
Kim Brian from the Sacramento County of California, USA came to India to get Hip Replacement Surgery done. He travelled alone because he could not afford the expenses for an attendant. His surgery was done by Dr IPS Oberoi at Artemis Health Institute. Watch this video where Kim is sharing his experiences.
Mr. Mark Wisman suffered an injury to his knee while driving his pickup. For years he lived in pain and finally landed in India for Total Knee Replacement Surgery to be done by Dr. Ashok Rajgopal at Medanta Medicity. He had some interesting things to say about treatment in India specially the cost of the treatment.
This Indian patient travelled from the state of Punjab to New Delhi to get ACL Surgery done. Here the patient is recovering on the 2nd day after the surgery and shares his experience about this remarkable recovery in such a short span of time. Post Surgery Rehab is as important as the surgery itself.